Wednesday 30 April 2014

Birthday, baby and bats

Nic's 8th birthday
 Suzy started full-time work on 7 April.  We were happy to fill the gap after school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays until her contract ends on 27 June.  After that, we plan a long trip around Australia and she will need to use after-school care each weekday if other work arises.

Hazel knows how to dress for an occasion!

Trying to teach Hazel what sleeps looks like

The QNC Easter camp was held at Apsey, near Inglewood, with current status of Proposed National Park.  It is sandstone country with a woodland of eucalypt and cypress, and some brigalow along the creeks.  48 members including 12 under the age of 8 camped near 2 small dams in perfect weather. Highlights included finding many specimens of Macrozamia machinii, a cycad listed as vulnerable. A single  individual  of  the Homoranthus vagans was also seen. This myrtaceous shrub is endemic to the property and it is estimated  that only a few hundred individuals exist in the wild.  Harry Hines  and  Melanie Venz  set funnel traps, Elliott traps and a single harp trap. 273 Elliott trap nights yielded a  yellow-footed  antechinus and  a common dunnart. Five  bats  were  captured in the harp trap:  Gould’s  long-eared  bat,  lesser  long-eared  bat, a broad-nosed bat Scotorepens cf. greyii  and chocolate wattled  bat. 67 species of birds  were seen, including  the  beautiful  plum-headed finch. 
Looking at mammals

Broad-nosed bat

Chocolate wattled bat

Gould's long-eared bat
Common dunnart biting Harry

Yellow-footed antechinus also biting Harry
This camp was our first trial of the new Cub camper-trailer and we were happy with it.  David has yet to install the electric water pump and internal 12V lights but everything fitted in with room to spare.

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